
Emergency Dental Care in Orangeville

If you are you experiencing a painful toothache, or have a chipped or broken tooth, please call our Orangeville office immediately. Understanding that dental emergencies can occur when you least expect them, we'll make sure to accommodate you as quickly and conveniently as possible. Family Dental on Broadway is open early and will make an appointment for you right away if necessary. If you are experiencing pain after normal business hours, please call our main line and leave a voice message so that we can get back to you first thing the following morning.

Handling Dental Emergencies

Any dental emergency, regardless of whether it affects your teeth or gums, can be potentially serious and should be treated as quickly as possible. Ignoring a dental problem can increase the risk of permanent damage and may result in the need for more extensive and expensive dental treatment in the future. Getting treatment as soon as possible is the best course of action for any dental emergency.

Here is a list of common dental emergencies with a quick summary of what to do if you are unable to receive immediate treatment at our Orangeville dental office.

Tooth Ache

Rinse your mouth with warm water to clean any irritating debris from. If possible, gently floss to remove any particles from between teeth. Applying a cold compress on the cheek with a couple of ibuprofen may also help relieve pain. Rubbing a tiny amount of clove oil on your gums may temporarily ease toothache pain until you can getting to see us.

Call our office as soon as possible to ensure you get one of the reserved emergency appointments that we hold open in our daily schedule. If your toothache is so severe that it prevents you from sleeping or sleep or biting down, or if over-the-counter medications are not helping to reduce the pain, seek immediate treatment.

Broken Teeth or Partially Dislodged Teeth

Rinse gently using warm water and save any pieces you can. If there's bleeding, apply clean gauze to the area for 10 minutes or so until the bleeding stops. If there is pain or swelling, apply a cold compress outside the mouth, near the broken/chipped tooth. Apply clove oil or take an over-the-counter pain reliever if needed. Seek treatment as soon as possible. Usually an x-ray of the involved tooth or teeth is needed to determine the extent of the injury.

Disloged Teeth

Retrieve your tooth and seek immediate treatment! Your tooth has a higher chance of being saved if Dr Ranu can replace it in the socket within 1 hour of being knocked out.

If the tooth has fallen out of your mouth, hold it by the crown (the part that is usually exposed in the mouth), rinse it gently and, if possible, place it back into the socket. Don't push. And make sure it's facing the right way. If it doesn't slip back into place, put the tooth in a small pill bottle or other clean container with a little milk (if milk is not available, water with a pinch of table salt) and bring it with you to Family Dental on Broadway in Orangeville.

If you are unable to reach us, go to an alternate emergency facility, such as the emergency room.

Dislodged Crown

Call us to seek immediate treatment. Put the dislodged crown in a small, clean, plastic bag and bring it with you to our office. If you are in pain, stop at the pharmacy and pick up a little clove oil (usually available in the dental aisle). Dab a little of the clove oil on the tooth for pain relief, or take an over-the-counter pain reliever.


An abscess is an infection around the root of a tooth or in the space between your teeth and gums. Treat abscesses as a serious condition as they can damage tissue and surrounding teeth, with the possibility of infection spreading to other parts of your body if left untreated.

Contact us as soon as possible if you discover a pimple-like swelling on your gum (usually painful). In the meantime, ease the pain by rinsing your mouth with a mild salt water solution (1/2 teaspoon of table salt in 8 ounces of water) several times a day.

Loose or Lost Fillings

As a temporary measure, apply a small wad of sugarless gum in the open cavity (any other kind will cause pain). Contact our Orangeville office as soon as possible to schedule an appointment to see Dr. Ranu.

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