
Nutrition and Diet Assessment in Orangeville

Nutrition impacts all aspects of our well being including our energy levels, and our state of mind. With this in mind, as part of our holistic approach to dentistry Dr. Ranu offers nutritional assessment, explaining how the food we eat supplies the nutrients that our body, bones, teeth and gums need to renew tissues and help fight infection and disease, including periodontal (gum) disease.

You already know that eating too many sweets and sticky foods will contribute to tooth decay. However, most don't realize that these foods and drinks are also our robbing our body of minerals and vitamins, causing nutrient deficiencies and other serious imbalances that affect all body systems. including the immune system as sugar suppresses white blood cells of the immune system that fight all type of infections.

Your mouth is the gateway to your respiratory and digestive systems and is of great importance to the way you breath, sleep and eat. Modern research shows that there is more and more clinical evidence that infections in your mouth may be a contributing factor to everything from arterial plaque, diabetes, stroke, to preterm births.

Family Dental's approach to Nutrition

To ensure your overall health, Family Dental on Broadway believes in a holistic approach to nutrition and dental care, where all systems and factors are explored together as part of a whole instead of separate.

Dr Ranu will begin by examining your mouth and asking questions about your oral health. How long have you had amalgam fillings? Any bleeding gums, or mouth ulcers. Headaches? How well do sleep? How do you handle stress?

Dr. Ranu will explain that what, when and how much you eat become important considerations that affect both the health of your mouth and overall well-being. And how improving your nutrition along with good oral health habits can help you maintain a healthy mouth for the rest of your life.

Bottom line ? Improving your dental health, as well as your overall health and well-being starts with the decision to change your lifestyle.


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